WrestlePro, in partnership with Yonkers Public Schools presents “MBK Community Night Out” wrestling event on Friday, March 14th at Yonkers Middle High School.
Appearing live will be former WWE Superstars Chris Masters, Hornswoggle, AEW Superstar Lady Frost, former Impact Wrestling superstar Fallah Bahh, and WWE Tag Team Legends The Headbangers!
Also appearing will be independent wrestling standouts Ichiban, TJ Crawford, WrestlePro Gold Champion CPA, WrestlePro Garden State Champion LSG, and all the stars of WrestlePro.
Colton Charles def. J-Heru Ava Everette def. Tiara James WrestlePro Garden State Championship LSG def. John Walters KC Navarro def. Sammy Diaz Vargas def. Brian Myers, Eli Isom & Cheeseburger Max Caster def. Deonn Rusman Jay Lethal & Satnam def. Traxx & Victor Benjamin Brandon Downey def. Crowbar, MSG, Tyler Mann, Matt Hayter & Leo Sparrow Tag Team Championship Outrunners def. Dark Fallah & Dark STG Anthony Bowens def. TJ Crawford Women’s Championship Lady Frost def. Rebecca Scott WrestlePro Championship CPA def. Dan Maff
Action Andretti def. Tyler Payne Primal Fear def. Big Business AAA Latin American Championship Match QT Marshall def. Super Crazy NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship Match EC3 def. Pat Buck Jay Lethal def. Cheeseburger WrestlePro Gold Championship Match Vargas def. Dan Maff & Colton Charles WrestlePro Tag Team Championship Match Devastation Inc def. Ace of Space Academy On The Spot Title Shot Rumble Winner CPA
sun day light
Primal Fear def. The Rat Bastards & Brian Rosario Crowbar def. Bobby Wayward Tyler Payne def. Super Crazy, Kaz Jordan & TJ Crawford Dark Fallah def. Tyler Mann WrestlePro Tag Team Championship Match Traxx & Victor Benjamin def. Iron Savages & Ace of Space Academy Deonn Rusman def. Eric James The Acclaimed & Pat Buck def. Bryce Donovan, Bobby Orlando & Leo Sparrow Sonny Kiss def. Justin Corino WrestlePro Women's Championship Match Lady Frost def. Skye Blue & Notorious Mimi WrestlePro Gold Championship Match Vargas def. CPA First Blood Match Sent 2 Slaughter def. Ace of Space Academy